Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Ytd went to aokk house sleep while waiting for him to back home. After that something happened because he ain't treating me like how he treated me. End up he told me that his feeling for me had started to fade away. But I ain't stupid too. I already knew this would come that's why I putting so much effort to change now. I tried to send those guailan msg how I used to be. But you didn't care. I tried to send those sweet msg and you didn't care too. End up you told me because you saw my msg jitiao sian diao. Have you ever thought of my feeling when you said this to me? Do you know that my heart is dying inside? I don't want you to hungry so I work. I lied that I earn 30 but its fake. Cause I earned less then that during that day. I only ate bread so I would have extra cash to give you. I would do this is just that I want you to concern me more. But you didn't seems to appreciate it as well. I know why your feeling has faded for me. It's my fault too. But why I would become like this? Because you lied to me several times and used alot of words to hurt me. I also wanted to being like last time badly. Where I could receive your msg say you miss me. Where you call me your cute pig. It's been month and you never called me that anymore. Yes I did wanted to break badly but I just can't. I don't want to throw you alone when you need someone to help you. You said I'm selfish and never though of your feeling I can admit. But did you do ever though of my feeling too? I tried to change but did you change for me too? You never. Im useless to you right now. That's why you break with me also don't feel a single pain or even I sacrifices my salary to you, you also treat it as nothing. I don't want you to pay me back my money or whatever. I just want you to treat me like last time. How you used to called me every night that's all. I don't ask for much seriously. Today I tried to being nice again and you ignored again. Do you know how much it hurts? I really feeling like end this relationship ASAP you know? But I just can't. I really can't. Cause I would always remember how you pamper me last time. If you're feeling just keep on fading then just break totally. I dont want to block you finding another better girls. I suffer will do. God is really unfair to me... I'm crying badly silently...
Friday, April 22, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011

The proudest result i ever get =.=
Today rather early blogging. Cause my mood was totally ruined. Im desperate, im sad, im frustrated, im emo-ing, i felt like crying and i don't know what to do exactly. Im alone here. Nobody knows how i feels. You know the feeling? The pain within me is unspeakable. These few days thought things would be back as usual like how we used to be. But i was wrong. Yes, no matter how hard i tried or how hard i tried to ment back nothing is gonna change i don't wanna to end this 1yr plus relationship which i had put my whole heart in it. Called him at afternoon. All his answers are remains as friend and ask me find other guy. But have you ever thought of my feeling? If i don't love you, i would alrdy find other guy like no matter what. I admit its my mistake to say break and you've tired of all these. If you say you know how girls feel all that you should know usually girls say break is merely a speech of anger they don't mean it. Why would i say so? Because you've done smth that hurts me. I know guys will eventually flirts around but can don't do it where i can see? I angry because i care. I worried that 1 day you would go stead with them and left me alone. Is not that i don't trust you seriously. Is i had been dumped by lots of guys... I hated the feeling being alone. Crying. I hated the way that you answered we remains as friend. It hurts me totally. If you choosed to remains as friend why bothered to ask me go to your house you put your arm over my shoulder and asked me to kiss you? I don't like you giving fake hope. And i hated when you asked me go to your house and remain a distance because we're friend. You know how much it hurts? Before that we're that close and now we need a distance apart... I know my words hurts you completely. But what about yours? It hurts me more. You keep on asking me go stead with yc. I and him is IMPOSSIBLE. Because ONCE HE HURT ME. I don't like him too. I admit that i nvr kept my promises neither you do. I promised that i would change but nobody teaching me how. Now i know everything and you're not giving me any chances. I seriously don't know what you really wanted... I wanted everything to be normal like how we used to be. But what i did seems not working...
- Guys hate their gf say break when they quarrel.
- Guys tends to flirt around but in the end they still love their own gf.
- Guys hate their gf don't trust them (check HP!)
- Guys preferred to say i love you then apologise. Cause mostly is the girl apologise what!
- Guys likes to show off right infront of girls and others just to show how capable are they ._.
- Guys likes their gf "sa jiao" at them. LOL , like tikopek >.<
- Guys have very strong pride of themselves. (For what?)
- Guys are like girls, they like to surrounded with girls woo-ing after them. Just to make them popular.
- When guys promises you smth mostly it won't happen. Unless smth which is important, those minor they will forget so girls should not take it sooo freaking seriously like me!
- When guys say they love you out of no where. They really does! :D

For singapore flyers at night inner view i can't find much :"(
Anddddd there's 3rd places i wanted too! Suddenly im addicted to SUNFLOWER!!!
DAMN ROMANTIC I TELL YOU! Hahaha! Damn happy that my google adsense had approved ^_^ Rmb to click on those ads! Alrights shall end here :)