Its being sometimes since i blogged my blog. Shall post some overdue pics ^^v.
This pic is taken during CNY that time. Its being awhile but very memorable wor! :)
Thanks to his uncle took this family pic with the Oh's family.

Haha , have fun during ITE. Seriously i have more fun in ITE than in Sec. At least they would be there for me when im sad. I've decided to break up friendship with those bunch of people. I had i done wrong exactly that they need to treat me this way? Damn fuck up with their attitude etc. I treated them as my real friend and what i get back? Confess with my bf? Scold me when you don't need me? I rather don't have such friends as you all. Im not scared you all either. Bitches. All of you all are just using me. Hah, not now anymore. You say you're desperate for bf so i call aaron to help you intro some guys to you. End up you go confess to him. Ever since i pass you his num , you nvr contacted with me or say you're despo for stead. Whatever i msg you , your replies will be short and felt annoyed to receive my msg. What's the different between bitch and you? I felt damn disgrace to have you as my gans. Like SERIOUSLY! To whom once was my best friend. When you need my help, you expected me to be there for you. When you're sad , i took my inivatitive to ask how are you. But when you don't need me how you treat me back? You scolded me at fb and ignored my apologises. Seriously , i don't know what i've done wrong? I replied your chat at msn and you scolded me at fb. Hah , you're being damn bloody unreasonable. Without you all, i also can live. Without you all, i have less gossip btw i don't like to gossip that much. Chaoturbye.
Currently i am happy with what i have , UO1101A but except that guy. I hate you to the core! GET THIS ON YOUR FUCKING MIND! Show what attitude uh? Like i care?
Btw last friday got a girl Joylynn Chua Ming Er (Search her at fb!) freaking thick face eh her. She chat with my bf at fb. But that time i was using his acc while he is sleeping. I shall post the whole conversation if i manage to remember all clearly :)
Joylynn: Hi
Aaron: Hi
Aaron: Aaron is sleeping now.
Joylynn: Really meh? Who are you?
Aaron: Im his gf. Why?
Joylynn: Really ah? I also his gf ley. (spamming)
Joylynn: Dumbass (spamming)
Aaron: Real or not? You also his gf?
Joylynn: Really lah. Im his gf.
Joylynn: Dumbass Dumbass. You bitch lah.
Aaron: Shutup lah. Btw he nvr say you're his gf.
Joylynn: Bitch dumbass. (spamming)
Aaron: Bitch lah you. You damn annoying ley.
Rest of it i can't rmb much. But i rmb this part I SWEAR I REMEMBER IT DAMN CLEAR AS CRYSTAL!!!
Joylynn: Ugly lah you.
Joylynn: What's your acc? Why don't dare show? Ugly right?
Aaron: No. At least im better than you. You ugly shit.
Aaron: I look better than you lots.
Joylynn: Still a virgin right?
Joylynn: Virgin Mary (spamming)
Aaron: At least she is well known by its virgin.
Aaron: You not virgin meh?
Aaron: Btw i only allow aaron to add ugly girls. Opps , so you're ugly too :)
Joylynn: Im pretty that why he add me.
Joylynn: Btw is he add me want. Because i look very pretty.
Aaron: Sure a not?
Aaron: But he say you add him ley. So thick face say yourself pretty. Ugly shit.
Joylynn: Aaron your gf is harrassing me! I call my lawyer to sue you.
Aaron: Come lah. Like i scared.
Joylynn: Btw everytime is he tok to me first.
Joylynn: I got asthma do you know?
Aaron: Hello? I saw all the conversation is you tok to him first. And like i care you got asthma?
Joylynn: Btw he ask me go to his house tmr.
Joylynn: I will go and see how ugly you're.
Joylynn: Bitch (spamming)
Aaron: Come lah. He also call me go to his house tmr.
Aaron: I confirm will slap you once i saw you.
Joylynn: Dog. I will throw you and him into toilet and fuck.
Aaron: You very rude you know?
Aaron: I bet all your friends hate you with this fucking attitude.
Joylynn: I have alot of friends. Not like you.
Aaron: Hah , alot of friends nid come cyber and find friend? Pathetic.
Joylynn: Scared i snatch him away from you? Pathetic (spamming)
Aaron: No. You're so ugly why should i scared?
Joylynn: xs boob lah you.
Aaron: Sorry, mine going c cup liaos.
Joylynn: Dumbass. Virgin mary (spamming)
Aaron: I bet you got no bf right? So ugly. Thats why come cyber right?
Aaron: Cause in real no guys wants you. Come cyber also no guy wants you.
Aaron: Kelian.
After that she sent a mail to aaron's fb.
Joylynn: Bad taste go find this kind of guy. And what if i say i love him?
Aaron: Hah, you say him ugly and now you say you love him? Lie to who uh?
Hah , because she bo wei gong then called aaron to help her. AS IF AARON WANT HELP HER. Aaron ask her don't disiao siao then kup liaos. Plus he also say she damn ugly and irritating. Long wanted block her alrdy. Ahahahaa , pathetic bitch.