Saturday, November 5, 2011
P.S hopefully I can upload my overdue pictures. ^_^
There's picture for wed class trip at discovery centre. :]
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
If only everyday we could be that happy can le ^_^ after that watched Harold and kumar and laughed madly. Then he went for check up with joule and left me alone at home. SLEEPING! Yay! Too hungry so I msg him I'm hungry! Hehe! I didn't know he really go da bao for me to eat. Awww so sweet! Love you! :> he say 只要看着我吃就幸福了. Awwww! Why he now do cute uh?! <3
Today wake up and do tons of house chores and cooked pudding for cl they all for tmr! As sep keep say she want to eat! Hehe! See I so good! It also been ages since I cook for ♥to eat also! Hmm, eggcited wor!! Later going down for contact lens! Shall end here! Byebye! :]
Friday, October 28, 2011
我有多么的幼稚,傻,烦,无理取闹。可是那些伤痛,我可以引盖过去吗?朋友也一一离去,无人可以依赖,逛街。来到新的学校开始我新的生活,后悔也来不及了。为了他我放弃一切,改变一切。 不知道那是值得吗。时间一天一天过去,我们也有多多少少的分分离离。不习惯新的环境,一个人过自己的生活,去做工,读书,感情,家人。这些都给我很多压力,脾气也变了。他认为我变了,也对我冷淡了。静静的哭,发疯。告诉自己这一切都会过去。要坚强。
Monday, September 5, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Ytd went to aokk house sleep while waiting for him to back home. After that something happened because he ain't treating me like how he treated me. End up he told me that his feeling for me had started to fade away. But I ain't stupid too. I already knew this would come that's why I putting so much effort to change now. I tried to send those guailan msg how I used to be. But you didn't care. I tried to send those sweet msg and you didn't care too. End up you told me because you saw my msg jitiao sian diao. Have you ever thought of my feeling when you said this to me? Do you know that my heart is dying inside? I don't want you to hungry so I work. I lied that I earn 30 but its fake. Cause I earned less then that during that day. I only ate bread so I would have extra cash to give you. I would do this is just that I want you to concern me more. But you didn't seems to appreciate it as well. I know why your feeling has faded for me. It's my fault too. But why I would become like this? Because you lied to me several times and used alot of words to hurt me. I also wanted to being like last time badly. Where I could receive your msg say you miss me. Where you call me your cute pig. It's been month and you never called me that anymore. Yes I did wanted to break badly but I just can't. I don't want to throw you alone when you need someone to help you. You said I'm selfish and never though of your feeling I can admit. But did you do ever though of my feeling too? I tried to change but did you change for me too? You never. Im useless to you right now. That's why you break with me also don't feel a single pain or even I sacrifices my salary to you, you also treat it as nothing. I don't want you to pay me back my money or whatever. I just want you to treat me like last time. How you used to called me every night that's all. I don't ask for much seriously. Today I tried to being nice again and you ignored again. Do you know how much it hurts? I really feeling like end this relationship ASAP you know? But I just can't. I really can't. Cause I would always remember how you pamper me last time. If you're feeling just keep on fading then just break totally. I dont want to block you finding another better girls. I suffer will do. God is really unfair to me... I'm crying badly silently...
Friday, April 22, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011

The proudest result i ever get =.=
Today rather early blogging. Cause my mood was totally ruined. Im desperate, im sad, im frustrated, im emo-ing, i felt like crying and i don't know what to do exactly. Im alone here. Nobody knows how i feels. You know the feeling? The pain within me is unspeakable. These few days thought things would be back as usual like how we used to be. But i was wrong. Yes, no matter how hard i tried or how hard i tried to ment back nothing is gonna change i don't wanna to end this 1yr plus relationship which i had put my whole heart in it. Called him at afternoon. All his answers are remains as friend and ask me find other guy. But have you ever thought of my feeling? If i don't love you, i would alrdy find other guy like no matter what. I admit its my mistake to say break and you've tired of all these. If you say you know how girls feel all that you should know usually girls say break is merely a speech of anger they don't mean it. Why would i say so? Because you've done smth that hurts me. I know guys will eventually flirts around but can don't do it where i can see? I angry because i care. I worried that 1 day you would go stead with them and left me alone. Is not that i don't trust you seriously. Is i had been dumped by lots of guys... I hated the feeling being alone. Crying. I hated the way that you answered we remains as friend. It hurts me totally. If you choosed to remains as friend why bothered to ask me go to your house you put your arm over my shoulder and asked me to kiss you? I don't like you giving fake hope. And i hated when you asked me go to your house and remain a distance because we're friend. You know how much it hurts? Before that we're that close and now we need a distance apart... I know my words hurts you completely. But what about yours? It hurts me more. You keep on asking me go stead with yc. I and him is IMPOSSIBLE. Because ONCE HE HURT ME. I don't like him too. I admit that i nvr kept my promises neither you do. I promised that i would change but nobody teaching me how. Now i know everything and you're not giving me any chances. I seriously don't know what you really wanted... I wanted everything to be normal like how we used to be. But what i did seems not working...
- Guys hate their gf say break when they quarrel.
- Guys tends to flirt around but in the end they still love their own gf.
- Guys hate their gf don't trust them (check HP!)
- Guys preferred to say i love you then apologise. Cause mostly is the girl apologise what!
- Guys likes to show off right infront of girls and others just to show how capable are they ._.
- Guys likes their gf "sa jiao" at them. LOL , like tikopek >.<
- Guys have very strong pride of themselves. (For what?)
- Guys are like girls, they like to surrounded with girls woo-ing after them. Just to make them popular.
- When guys promises you smth mostly it won't happen. Unless smth which is important, those minor they will forget so girls should not take it sooo freaking seriously like me!
- When guys say they love you out of no where. They really does! :D

For singapore flyers at night inner view i can't find much :"(
Anddddd there's 3rd places i wanted too! Suddenly im addicted to SUNFLOWER!!!
DAMN ROMANTIC I TELL YOU! Hahaha! Damn happy that my google adsense had approved ^_^ Rmb to click on those ads! Alrights shall end here :)
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
LOL , sounded like im advertising this stuff. Omyomy, gonna save money for contact lens too! Its expiring soon during this upcoming april! FML lah!
Today went to aaron's house with my 爱心饭 as for the apologises. I don't know should i say him annoying or cute or manly or girly? Awww! I still liked the way how he hugged me tightly as usual >.< Damn happy when everything is back to normal ^_^ Hohoho! So played awhile then met up with his kor , mum and his mum's bf. When down to toa payoh for his mum and kor to see doctor. Kena disiao by HU KUAN QUN all the way. Kinda irritating :@ After that went to the hub for his ROC facial wash. Woah, its not like LV or PRADA or GUCCI etc sooo freaking damn hard to find it. Walk until my body starting to sweat alittle. So his mum's bf drove us to old airport road to eat. Went to mall to help father and fatty buy their things. Omg, i also want that cure thingy but so exp siols. Last time sold 50+ siols, now is 42. Sobsob :( Still can't buy yet. But mall got free what water treatment ley!!! Other places like i didn't saw it ley. Kinda of good bargain >.< Haiis , tmr i can't go find buibui yet he passed me some money and asked me to cook for him. Kelian siols... I can't go because my mother tmr gonna bring me go temple pray and insisted me to stay at home... How?!?! I really hoped that you not angry about these ehh.. :(

Saturday, March 26, 2011
Did quarrel often during the 2D1N stay. But i promise i still love you the most okkies? >o<
Play as usual. So watched Red riding hood till 2+, not really nice lahhs. Kind of boring a short story then they make it like 90min long? Then kena wake by him around 4+ am. SERIOUSLY DID I REALLY SNORE THAT LOUD MEH? After that went down to 7elven bought cup noodles eat. Chiong-ed back home cause someone want to shit dey -.-" Watch another movie, dragon pearl is it? I can't rmb lahhs! I slept during half way of the story. LOL!!
Not long then go eat again... It should be around 1+. Ehh seriously you need to watch your diet siols. I lidat eat buey tar han want vomit alrdy siols. Take care of your body can? :o
Blahblahblah.... I too lazy to type out the rest. So went back home because mother keep kpkb. Wtf is it siols! I told her i will be staying overnight at outside for 3D2N then she keep check this and that. Like police ley. Damn irritating. Im alrdy 17 years old and im nvr allowed to stay overnight like chalet thingy before. I hated parent being too over protective to me can? I have my own rights to do what i like. Some you can control some you just can't. Why don't you step 1 step back and make things easier for the both of us? Haiis....
Before head back home, i went to mall to buy chicken eat again. OMG , i've been eating 3 days ago. Im absoluety addicted to it le. Haha... Shall end post here...
Monday, March 21, 2011

Haha , have fun during ITE. Seriously i have more fun in ITE than in Sec. At least they would be there for me when im sad. I've decided to break up friendship with those bunch of people. I had i done wrong exactly that they need to treat me this way? Damn fuck up with their attitude etc. I treated them as my real friend and what i get back? Confess with my bf? Scold me when you don't need me? I rather don't have such friends as you all. Im not scared you all either. Bitches. All of you all are just using me. Hah, not now anymore. You say you're desperate for bf so i call aaron to help you intro some guys to you. End up you go confess to him. Ever since i pass you his num , you nvr contacted with me or say you're despo for stead. Whatever i msg you , your replies will be short and felt annoyed to receive my msg. What's the different between bitch and you? I felt damn disgrace to have you as my gans. Like SERIOUSLY! To whom once was my best friend. When you need my help, you expected me to be there for you. When you're sad , i took my inivatitive to ask how are you. But when you don't need me how you treat me back? You scolded me at fb and ignored my apologises. Seriously , i don't know what i've done wrong? I replied your chat at msn and you scolded me at fb. Hah , you're being damn bloody unreasonable. Without you all, i also can live. Without you all, i have less gossip btw i don't like to gossip that much. Chaoturbye.
Currently i am happy with what i have , UO1101A but except that guy. I hate you to the core! GET THIS ON YOUR FUCKING MIND! Show what attitude uh? Like i care?
Btw last friday got a girl Joylynn Chua Ming Er (Search her at fb!) freaking thick face eh her. She chat with my bf at fb. But that time i was using his acc while he is sleeping. I shall post the whole conversation if i manage to remember all clearly :)
Joylynn: Hi
Aaron: Hi
Aaron: Aaron is sleeping now.
Joylynn: Really meh? Who are you?
Aaron: Im his gf. Why?
Joylynn: Really ah? I also his gf ley. (spamming)
Joylynn: Dumbass (spamming)
Aaron: Real or not? You also his gf?
Joylynn: Really lah. Im his gf.
Joylynn: Dumbass Dumbass. You bitch lah.
Aaron: Shutup lah. Btw he nvr say you're his gf.
Joylynn: Bitch dumbass. (spamming)
Aaron: Bitch lah you. You damn annoying ley.
Rest of it i can't rmb much. But i rmb this part I SWEAR I REMEMBER IT DAMN CLEAR AS CRYSTAL!!!
Joylynn: Ugly lah you.
Joylynn: What's your acc? Why don't dare show? Ugly right?
Aaron: No. At least im better than you. You ugly shit.
Aaron: I look better than you lots.
Joylynn: Still a virgin right?
Joylynn: Virgin Mary (spamming)
Aaron: At least she is well known by its virgin.
Aaron: You not virgin meh?
Aaron: Btw i only allow aaron to add ugly girls. Opps , so you're ugly too :)
Joylynn: Im pretty that why he add me.
Joylynn: Btw is he add me want. Because i look very pretty.
Aaron: Sure a not?
Aaron: But he say you add him ley. So thick face say yourself pretty. Ugly shit.
Joylynn: Aaron your gf is harrassing me! I call my lawyer to sue you.
Aaron: Come lah. Like i scared.
Joylynn: Btw everytime is he tok to me first.
Joylynn: I got asthma do you know?
Aaron: Hello? I saw all the conversation is you tok to him first. And like i care you got asthma?
Joylynn: Btw he ask me go to his house tmr.
Joylynn: I will go and see how ugly you're.
Joylynn: Bitch (spamming)
Aaron: Come lah. He also call me go to his house tmr.
Aaron: I confirm will slap you once i saw you.
Joylynn: Dog. I will throw you and him into toilet and fuck.
Aaron: You very rude you know?
Aaron: I bet all your friends hate you with this fucking attitude.
Joylynn: I have alot of friends. Not like you.
Aaron: Hah , alot of friends nid come cyber and find friend? Pathetic.
Joylynn: Scared i snatch him away from you? Pathetic (spamming)
Aaron: No. You're so ugly why should i scared?
Joylynn: xs boob lah you.
Aaron: Sorry, mine going c cup liaos.
Joylynn: Dumbass. Virgin mary (spamming)
Aaron: I bet you got no bf right? So ugly. Thats why come cyber right?
Aaron: Cause in real no guys wants you. Come cyber also no guy wants you.
Aaron: Kelian.
After that she sent a mail to aaron's fb.
Joylynn: Bad taste go find this kind of guy. And what if i say i love him?
Aaron: Hah, you say him ugly and now you say you love him? Lie to who uh?
Hah , because she bo wei gong then called aaron to help her. AS IF AARON WANT HELP HER. Aaron ask her don't disiao siao then kup liaos. Plus he also say she damn ugly and irritating. Long wanted block her alrdy. Ahahahaa , pathetic bitch.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
To the world you may be just one person; but to one person you may be the world ♥
Lim Peiying
Awwww! This is buibui wrote for me during last year. So cute right? Love him to the max ^^v.
Friday he damn cute luhhs! On thursday ask me don't go to his house on friday as he scared that he can't wake that early. But end up during friday, he woke up at 10+ especially for me. As i told him if i call him, he nvr listen means i don't go alrdy. Haha, miss me uh? >.<
Buibui faster recover wor! I don't like to see you suffering :(
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saved my angbao money into his account and had his bank card too :) So now i've got OCBC and POSB. LOL! Go to seafood restaurant eat. Walao , that person thought i want add rich also then give me extra bowl of rich... =.=! Its not i wanted extra bowl!!! Its AARON!!! :@! EXTRA CHARGE LEYYY!!! $$$$$ :"(! So go wait for joule awhile together play 21. Woah , his house void deck damn alot of flying insect. Like aeroplane lidat. Fly here and there . BUZZZZZZ!! :D
Went to his kor kor's home play 21. Starting kip win money till his kor be banker i kept lose. WHY UH?!?!?! Drank 2 can of carlsbege , stomach buey tarhan once at home =.= Played around 1.30 took cab home. Reach home and bath i vomited. Gastric alrdy. LOL , heck care since im going die soon.... But seriously why ppl kip think im a vulgar girl? Am i? Am i a ill brat girl? But i don't really think so? Plus why some ppl don't believe im aaron's gf? =.= We have been together for 1 year alrdy. Hey, im real! We even got couple ring and necklace alrdy. Still think im fake? =.=